E-textbooks: Good for the planet and your wallet

stack of booksE-textbooks can save trees, time, and money. If you choose to use them, you’ll basically be renting a digital version of the book. Print and digital versions will have the same content, page layout, and page numbers. You don’t have to have a book reader like Kindle to access the books – you can read them right from your computer. You’ll also be able to print pages you may need a hard copy of.


Advantages of e-books:

  • Save money. E-textbooks will cost a lot less than buying the print version new.
  • No shipping costs to worry about.
  • Get the book almost instantly - no waiting days or weeks for books you ordered online to arrive.
  • No hassles such as sifting through used textbooks, waiting in line, or finding a place to sell your books back at the end of the semester.
  • No highlighting or underlining you would find in used books.
  • No heavy materials to lug around – you can take them anywhere you have your computer or internet access.
  • Save trees! These books don’t kill any trees in the process of production.
  • Many e-books have features where you can take notes electronically.
  • You can search the book quickly. You’ll be glad you have this feature during finals time!


Disadvantages of e-books:

  • You won’t be able to access the book once your subscription time ends.
  • There are no returns. So if you drop a class, you lose the money since you don’t have a physical book you can sell back.
  • You will always have to access either to your computer or to the internet.
  • You may need to log in every time you want to access your book.
  • E-books are fairly new, so it’s possible digital versions aren’t available for all your required books.


Here’s the process for ordering e-textbooks:

  • Find sites where e-textbooks are offered.
  • Search for your textbooks.
  • Choose the length of subscription.
  • Choose to either download it to your computer or to have an internet subscription.
  • Pay for your books.
  • Set up an account with a username and password to access your book.
  • Download your digital copy or access it online.


Now you’re ready to study!


>>Top 5 sites for digital textbooks