What to bring the first day of class


College classes will be different than high school. So will you need different materials?


The basics. All you’ll need to bring to class is your book, a notebook, and a pen or two. If it's a math class you'll want to bring a calculator. If you can't get your books before the first day, that's fine, but you'll probably need them at least the first week to be able to do your homework.


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Laptops. Not every student will take a laptop to class. How many students take laptops will depend on the school and the class. Some professors may not allow laptops in their classroom.


Optional materials. Think back to what helped you stay organized in high school. If you used folders, three-ring binders, or special notebooks to keep your materials together, you can use them again in college.


Required materials. If you need to buy anything special for any of your classes, your professor will tell you the first day. Some classes might require a deposit that they'll return at the end of the semester (like a chemistry or art class), assuming you didn't break anything.


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