Volunteer opportunities at your school

Volunteering at your school is easy because you don't have to find a ride somewhere else and it's in an environment you're already familiar with. Here are four ways you could volunteer at your school:


You could either ask a teacher if you could tutor other students or your school might have a tutoring program already set up.


>>Tutoring techniques for high schoolers

You may have already gone through the program in middle school, but you can get involved in high school by becoming a D.A.R.E. role model. You will help out in a question and answer session and with various activities such as graduation. You can search the internet to see if there’s a D.A.R.E. role model program in your area.



Some schools have clubs with a focus on volunteer work. You might organize events in your school such as blood drives or a fundraising event you might hold during lunch. Other clubs might provide transportation to volunteer at other sites.


Clothing, food, toy, or any other drive
You could organize a drive for an organization that needs clothes, food, or toys. An easy place to start is at your school. At the end of the year when everyone’s cleaning out their lockers, you could collect notebooks, pens, and other supplies to be donated to schools or summer programs. If there was a recent disaster, you could collect items for disaster supply kits. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you have an organization to send the items to before you start.


If you're looking for more volunteer ideas, check out:


Volunteer programs for high school students


6 more ways to volunteer in high school